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Contact number:029-89665751

Address: 19th Floor, Block C, Boyuan Science and Technology Square, Jiaotong University Science Park, No. 99 Yanxiang Road, Yanta District, Xi 'an City

    The Party branch of the ecological company held a special meeting on the study of party history[2022-06-22]
    7月14日,The Party branch of the ecological company held a special meeting on the study of party history,深入学习了习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的重要讲话精神及七一勋章颁授仪式上重要讲话精神,集中观看了关于生态...
    State company to convey learning group company "July 1" speech spirit[2022-06-22]
    7月5日,十大网堵平台召开专题学习会议,传达学习了熊良虎董事长在集团公司纪念建党97周年暨七一表彰大会上的讲话精神,全体党员参加了此次会议。 First, we must comprehensively strengthen ideological and political construction...
    The Party branch of ecological company organized activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party on July 1[2022-06-22]
    On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of Party organizations, and stimulate the sense of responsibility, honor and mission of all Party members and cadres。On the morning of June 30, the Party branch of the ecological company organized all party members and activists to carry out a study...
    The ecological company organizes and carries out training on archives management[2022-06-16]
    In order to further improve the overall level of archives work, strengthen the standardization and standardization of work processes, on June 15, the ecological company organized a training meeting on archives management。 This training focused on the archives management work, the basic concepts of archives, archives classification, return...
    Ecological company organized to watch the National Archives Administration "6·9" International Archives Day online special lecture[2022-06-10]
    On the occasion of the International Archives Day, in order to do a good job in popularization of archives management, on the morning of June 9, the ecological company organized a concentrated viewing of the National Archives Administration to build a new development pattern 69 International Archives Day online special lecture。 Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China...
    Environmental sanitation company to carry out environmental protection training[2022-05-31]
    On May 26, the environmental sanitation company organized an online environmental protection training meeting to popularize environmental protection related knowledge to all employees of the company。 The training was lectured by Cheng Yuanbo of Yichuan sewage Treatment Plant, focusing on the requirements and importance of environmental protection related legal provisions of environmental protection law...
    Ecological company to carry out Shangluo area project inspection[2022-05-26]
    On May 25, Zhou Fan, general manager of Ecological Company, led a team to inspect projects such as Huanglong River sewage treatment plant in Luonan County and organic solid waste disposal center in Shangzhou District。 This inspection was fully mastered through the form of field inspection, listening to reports and holding on-site meetings...
    Ecological company to carry out safety and health knowledge training[2022-05-26]
    In order to improve the health consciousness of employees, promote the physical and mental health of employees。On May 25, the ecological company carried out intensive health education to achieve national health knowledge training。 This training by the national safety education Center teacher Sun Liangyu lecture, on the CPR scene emergency rescue knowledge new...
    The ecological company carried out the first round of project inspection in 2022[2022-05-23]
    In order to timely understand the situation, solve problems and eliminate hidden dangers, on May 20, Zhou Fan, general manager of the ecological company, led a team to carry out the first round of project inspection work of the year, and successively went to the ecological protection and restoration project of Shanshui, Lintian Lake, Baota District, Yan 'an City, Yanhe Yangliuqiao to Zhujiagou...
    Eco company carries out orientation training for new employees[2022-05-23]
    In order to help new employees get familiar with the company faster, understand the internal situation of the company, and facilitate future work, the Human Resources Department conducted induction training and induction safety training for recent new employees in the conference room on the 19th floor on the morning of May 20。This training is for the first half of the year...